"Readocracy is on a mission to bring integrity back to the internet." Get credit for what you read online. Prove you are well-informed on any subject.

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This hub’s main subjects are:

This hub’s personal interest subjects (shared casual interests) are:

Reading you do on these subjects that you save publicly, will be shared with this hub. To edit this / view advanced filtering, click here.

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Now your expertise and interests can be recognized, leveraged, and members with similar interests can find you within . You’ll also gain access to ’s Collections, Discussions, Library, and more.

Let’s make this work in a way you’re 100% comfortable with:

The fun part: some custom questions chosen by .
(Answers are public.)

Don’t overthink it, you can edit these later.

Thanks, , you can now join!

These are ’s official subjects.
First, choose which are relevant to you:

Professional Subjects

Personal interest Subjects
(hobbies, misc interests, etc.)

Great. Now edit the below. These are the subjects which others will see are associated with you within . To remove any, just click them.

Professional Subjects

Personal interest Subjects
(hobbies, misc interests, etc.)

’s official subjects are below.
First, choose which are relevant to you:

Professional Subjects

Personal interest Subjects
(hobbies, misc interests, etc.)

Great. Now edit the below. These are the subjects which others will see are associated with you within .

Currently, none are selected. Please click on the ones you’re comfortable being associated with you.

Professional Subjects

Personal interest Subjects
(hobbies, misc interests, etc.)

New hub tooltip icon For bringing together a company, team, class, or community under one hub. Where you can better aggregate, organize, and keep up with each other’s learning and expertise (in a way that is privacy-first/every member controls), and, optionally, selectively showcase it externally.

We found the following similar hubs:

You can join any of them by clicking the contact button.

Choose at least 54 subjects that this team is passionate about. At least 1 must be a Personal subject Personal subjects are subjects that are not career-related. E.g. your hub might have many people who are into the NBA, or Food & Drink, or Travel, etc.  and at least 43 Professional subjects. You can customize subjects later, too.

            Personal subjects are subjects that are not career-related. E.g. your hub might have many people who are into the NBA, or Food & Drink, or Travel, etc.

            Add another

            Does your team / community have any functional groupings?
            E.g. Engineering, Marketing, Accounting, etc.E.g. Host, Speaker, Subscriber, etc.

            tooltip icon When people join, this option lets you or them choose which grouping they associate with. This then allows everyone to filter more efficiently in your dashboard.

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            Internet Psychology

            1 podcast, 2 books, 6 videos, 112 articles

            A Readocracy
            Foundations Collection


            Credits available for Newspapers / Magazines, Government, +11 MORE

            1 podcast, 2 books, 6 videos, 112 articles


            Estimated time to read/watch

            i.e. 4 weeks if committing 1h/day

            The relationship between your mind and your life online.

            A Readocracy
            Foundations Collection

            Internet Psychology

            1 podcast, 2 books, 6 videos, 112 articles

            A Readocracy
            Foundations Collection


            Credits available for Newspapers / Magazines, Government, +11 MORE

            1 podcast, 2 books, 6 videos, 112 articles


            Estimated time to read/watch

            i.e. 4 weeks if committing 1h/day

            About this collection The relationship between your mind and your life online.

            A Readocracy
            Foundations Collection


            Your settings have been saved.


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            You have shared a homepage URL. The item will be created as a "Resource". If you would like to share a specific article, cancel and paste the article URL.
            You have shared a podcast show instead of an episode. The item will be created as a "Resource". If you would like to share a specific episode, cancel and paste the episode URL.

            This item was also added by another person. Fill in your notes to recommend it as well.

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            Photo still not looking right? Click here to assign a new placeholder image.

              *New subjects will be added to your personal subjects.

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              Mario V.

              Co-Founder & CEO @ Readocracy

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